Permanently Remove the Threats of Termites in Your Home

When termites enter a home, they instantly begin feeding on its wood structures. Unfortunately, many homeowners are not aware they have these pests until damage has already been done. This is why homeowners need to make sure they hire professionals to come out and perform termite inspections on an annual basis. These inspections can reveal termite problems well before a homeowner notices damages. Outside of prevention, it is also imperative homeowners know the warning signs to look for so they will know when to call for termite extermination service.

Signs of termite infestation include:

Weakened or damaged wood areas or wood areas that seem hollow
Swarming termites around outside light units
Mud tunnel nests found on the side of homes
Shed wings that resemble fish scales
Termites under moist areas where mulch and leaves are lying around a home

If these signs are noticed, homeowners need to make sure they are aware of how to get rid of termites. Though there are DIY remedies, these are normally ineffective in completely ridding a home of these pests. Through a Los Angeles Termite Control company, a home can not only be treated to remove existing termites, but can also be protected from future infestations.

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The first step carried out through pest control company is to rid the home of the termite threat. This involves using special bait systems that are placed in areas where termites are known to reside in the home. These bait stations not only kill the termites that eat from them, but they also kill the young. Termites take the pesticides to their nests to feed their young. This helps to ensure the entire population is destroyed.

A beneficial termite treatment must also include preventative treatment. This is important to help prevent a reinfestation in the home. First, the pest control company will seal off any cracks and crevices in the home. This helps to ensure the termites do not have access to the home.

To further ensure termites do not enter the home, the pest control company will come out and place a liquid pesticide barrier around the perimeter of the home. This is checked and redone on a regular basis to ensure the home stays free of these damaging pests.

Homeowners who are noticing these signs need to contact a professional pest control company immediately. The sooner these pests are taken care of, the less likely major damages will occur in the home.

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